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{Friday, August 06, 2004}


11 days of work
25 days until departure

posted by the 'naut 1:37 PM
(i hate people)

so there's a huge dent in my car. a new dent. a brand freakin' new dent. because apparently somebody thought it would be fun to side swipe me, or possibly ram into me, as they left the red lion last night. i experienced a plethora of emotions upon seeing the gash. that which included but are not limited to: anger (what the hell?) regret (i should know better than to park in a bar parking lot) frustration (argh) stupidity (is that an emotion?) and sadness (poor little blue). and you know it's bad when you can see the damage in the dark. i'd rather have discovered it this morning--then it would have been more like "oh, that sucks. but at least you can't see it in the dark. ce'st la vie."

needless to say, i'm very upset. and the only thing that comforts me in the least is the thought that whatever hit me (they don't deserve to be a whoever) has it coming. hit and run. that's just like bad karma waiting to happen. oh yes, one day my friend (and by friend i mean enemy) you will get yours.

this morning my mom asked me how bad it was. "is it the kind of dent that they can suck out? like with a vaccuum?" uh....mom....let me clarify what a vaccuum is....

also, props to ken for the comment of "well at least you weren't standing it that exact spot when it happened." ah yes, there always is a brighter side.

posted by the 'naut 1:05 PM

{Thursday, August 05, 2004}


kettle corn is the BEST!

posted by the 'naut 1:46 PM
(blame canada!)

i am going to vancouver this weekend. i am excited about this for multiple reasons:

1) i get to see my bro who will be finished with school and ready to devote my 4 day trip to me.
2) i hear nothing but goodness of vancouver.
3) i do not have to work monday or tuesday.
4) i finally get to meet some canadians.

posted by the 'naut 1:37 PM

{Tuesday, August 03, 2004}

(so here's my question...)

if somebody makes you feel a certain way, good or bad, do you tell them? do you tell them even though there might be a risk of rejection? or a chance you might hurt their feelings? or the possibility of making them super mad at you? or resentful toward you? do you take that risk so that it's all on the table? so that they can see how what they say or do makes you feel? and how that might make others feel? do you tell them because honesty is the best policy? or do you not tell them and drive yourself insane thinking about telling them?

posted by the 'naut 5:19 PM

so after a long week of actually doing stuff i'm ready to go back to my old lady ways. i got home from work yesterday, changed into my t-shirt and shorts with every intention to take a jog. that intention didn't last too long. next thing i knew it was 8pm. time for dinner. after dinner i came to the conclusion that it was time for bed. so either i'm extremely lazy or i have mono.

i did start a new book though...the lovely bones. it's gonna be good.

posted by the 'naut 4:55 PM